indonesia - china business forum

    the "indonesia-china business forum business docking" event hosted by the indonesian consulate was held on november 6, 2019 at the le méridien hotel in minhang.

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jumway shanghai headquarters inviteud some government departments, industry at home and abroad to participate in the company will buffet guests

jumway headquarters in shanghai on the occasion of big housewarming invite domestic and foreign industry guests attend company buffet reception, many guests attended the lively sce...

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november 2016 jumway entrepreneurial success regional logistics strategic cooperation seminar held

the general manager of november 18, 2016 jumway venture capital co. ltd. mr. yu desheng led the relevant personnel participated in the pakistani city of kunshan held the "yangtze r...

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2016 yangtze river delta regional logistics strategic cooperation seminar held in the soviet union

2016 yangtze river delta regional logistics strategic cooperation seminar held in the soviet union

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the derby city council visitation yunhu international

in november 3, 2016, shanghai jumway enterprise development co.,ltd general manager of delson yu invited to participate in the cbbc organization of investment on the bbs

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