indonesia - china business forum

    the "indonesia-china business forum business docking" event hosted by the indonesian consulate was held on november 6, 2019 at the le méridien hotel in minhang.

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president of jumway holding group jianxiong hu attends suzhou modern logistics indudstry chamber of commerce

the second member of congress of modern logistics industry association second annual meeting for the development of modern logistic was successfully held on march 22, 2016 in suzho...

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jumway group holds an grand event to embrace its 30th anniversary and looks forward to a bright future.

the celebration of jumway group’s 30th anniversary was ceremoniously held on 29th march in kunshan.

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jumway logistics co., ltd holds shanghai antong mr carriers exchange meeting.

shanghai antong mr carriers exchange meeting (jumway stop) was held and undertaken on 30th october by jumway logistics co., ltd . 12 carriers led by antong logistics have all parti...

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jumway international automobile city (jwiac) successfully held its investment and signing conference

jumway international automobile city (jwiac) successfully held its investment and signing conference on the morning of october 19, 2014.

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